
The Genesis period of the protocol encompasses the first 24 hours. To begin a protocol like this, one must distribute HERO to participants, so they can provide liquidity and users have adequate liquidity needed to purchase the tokens used on the platform. This can be done through a presale, airdrops or other methods such as Genesis Farming, which we are employing.

Genesis begins on May 20th, at 13:00 UTC.

For the first 24 hours, users can stake their USDC, WAVAX, or HERO USDC LP and receive HERO in return. At the end of the 24 hours users can unstake and go back to holding their USDC or WAVAX or they do the recommended strategy of using their HERO rewards, pairing with USDC and staking their HERO USDC LP in the farms.

Allocations / Emissions

A total of 30,000 HEROs will be released to Genesis pool depositors over 24 hours with the allocations between the pools as follows and a one-time deposit fee of 1%.


  1. USDC pool (21,000 HEROs)

  2. WAVAX pool (4,500 HEROs)

  3. HERO USDC LP pool (4,500 HEROs)

Last updated